Use "tending to|tend to" in a sentence

1. Centralising: 1 adj tending to draw to a central point Synonyms: centralizing centripetal , unifying tending to unify consolidative , integrative tending to consolidate Antonyms: deCentralising , decentralizing tending away from a central point centrifugal tending away from …

2. Amelioratory: tending to ameliorate

3. Blabbermouthed: tending to talk excessively

4. Tending to protrude or project.

5. Centralising - tending to draw to a central point centralizing deCentralising, decentralizing - tending away from a central point deCentralising,

6. Clingy: tending to adhere to objects upon contact.

7. Constrictive definition, constricting; tending to constrict

8. Adjective Asphyxiating or tending to asphyxiate.

9. Accommodative definition, tending to accommodate; adaptive

10. Counteractive: Tending to counteract or oppose

11. Compressive definition, compressing; tending to compress

12. Adjustive: Tending or serving to adjust

13. Centralising - tending to draw to a central point Centralizing decentralising, deCentralizing - tending away from a central point decentralising,

14. Contractionary (Adjective) Tending to cause contraction.

15. Consumptive: Consuming or tending to consume

16. Bouncier, bounciest tending to bounce ( adverb ) bouncily

17. What does Bouncy mean? Tending to bounce

18. Asphyxiant definition, asphyxiating or tending to asphyxiate

19. Tending or intended to correct: Corrective lenses.

20. Contractive definition, serving or tending to contract

21. Coercive definition, serving or tending to coerce

22. Charismata tending to promote her outer development

23. Approbatory meaning Tending to approve or confirm.

24. What does Agglutinative mean? Tending to agglutinate

25. Confiding definition is - tending to confide : trustful

26. Broodier, broodiest tending to brood ( adverb ) broodily

27. Choky definition, tending to choke: a Choky collar

28. Curative: tending to cure disease or restore health.

29. Acceleratory: Accelerating or tending to accelerate; quickening motion.

30. As an adjective Adsorbent is tending to adsorb.

31. Consumptive definition, tending to consume; destructive; wasteful

32. He died while tending to plague victims.

33. Ambulance crews were tending to the injured.

34. Contrarious (Adjective) Tending to counter, oppose, resist, argue.

35. As an adjective Adsorbent is tending to adsorb.

36. What does Ative mean? Of or relating to, serving to, tending to

37. Absorptive definition, able or tending to absorb; absorbent

38. 11 American medic tending to a German soldier.

39. Amalgamative: Tending to amalgamate; characterized by a tendency to amalgamate

40. What does Contractionary mean? Tending to cause contraction

41. Tending to bulge; having a bulge: a Bulgy envelope.

42. Antipruritic definition is - tending to relieve or prevent itching

43. Confirmative definition is - tending to confirm or establish.

44. Tending to conciliate: a Conciliatory manner; Conciliatory comments.

45. Choky definition is - tending to cause choking or to become choked.

46. What does Consumptive mean? Consuming or tending to consume

47. Archconservative: tending to favor established ideas, conditions, or institutions

48. Accumulative means having the characteristic of tending to accumulate

49. What does Approbatory mean? Tending to approve or confirm

50. Causing or tending to cause addiction: an Addictive substance.

51. Sofia was in the bedroom tending to her son.

52. Medical definition of Acceleratory: relating to or tending to cause acceleration.

53. Additory meaning (rare) Tending to add; making some addition.

54. Additory (plural additories) (rare) Tending to add; making some addition

55. Amelioratory definition: tending to ameliorate Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

56. Adjective tending or serving to admonish; warning: an Admonitory gesture.

57. Tend and Befriend psychology argues that in response to a threat, women will have a greater tendency to reduce distress by tending (protecting and nurturing the young) and Befriending (maintaining and strengthening social networks)

58. Curly definition is - tending to curl; also : having curls

59. What does Confirmatory mean? Confirming or tending to confirm

60. Conservative: tending to favor established ideas, conditions, or institutions.

61. Calming: tending to calm the emotions and relieve stress.

62. -Ative definition is - of, relating to, or connected with : tending to

63. Additory definition is - tending to add : making an addition.

64. What does Animative mean? Tending to animate; causing animation

65. Mom was usually busy tending to my younger sisters.

66. Corruptive (comparative more Corruptive, superlative most Corruptive) Tending to corrupt.

67. Catchy definition is - tending to catch the interest or attention

68. Additory (plural additories) (rare) Tending to add; making some addition

69. Additory (plural additories) (rare) Tending to add; making some addition.

70. What does Asphyxiant mean? Inducing or tending to induce asphyxia

71. Tend to them, Tusk.

72. What does Corroborative mean? Corroborating or tending to corroborate; confirmatory

73. Accumulative definition, tending to accumulate or arising from accumulation; cumulative

74. Adhesive definition is - tending to remain in association or memory

75. Homologous parts tend to vary in the same way, and homologous parts tend to cohere.

76. Contraceptive definition, tending or serving to prevent conception or impregnation

77. 4 Sofia was in the bedroom tending to her son.

78. Curly definition, curling or tending to curl: Curly blond hair

79. What does Corruptive mean? Tending to corrupt or produce corruption

80. Leaf ovate, apex tending to curl, with semi-amplexicaul decurrencies.